Edit 10 Nov: Added Soulbinder paragon info. I have had limited time testing and things are still being fixed/changed so my opinion is not final. Overall my current opinion is that it adds nothing useful to the current PvE setups, effects are too niche or too minor to justify the shift. The loss of HR, NPNM is not worth it for damage and utility builds.
Edit 3 Oct: I've done multiple runs post TT rework and it's still a great daily, you should still use it in the same situations, but it is more important to hold back encounters and damaging sources so you can use them while daily is up to maximise damage. TT is still overall a significant source of your overall damage if you do it right (45-60% of outgoing damage from my parses)
Edit 30/9. Some of the build links were not working and now updated. If there is a clash, use the written version over the link.
This guide is a work in progress, initially a theorycrafting exercise but adding info as I become aware of it. There's a lot of testing and quantifying effects to be done and by no means can I claim I know everything. There's a bunch of bugs and possibly unintended mechanics for the class right now, as expected with anything at launch so the optimal playstyle may well change in the future.
The discussion, like most of my guides is based on practicality for PvE dungeons although I will mention applicability for PvP and other situations where warranted.
Kaelac's Module 5 Devoted Cleric Guide
This is the Module 5+ guide for the Devoted Cleric class in Neverwinter, effective 18th November 2014. The Devoted Cleric has undergone significant changes and redesign and will take a little getting used to.
Most significant changes:
Divinity is now generated only from at wills, but granted and filled at a much faster rate.
Divine powered encounters now no longer replicate the base effect, but instead apply a supplementary bonus, as well as one empowerment stack. Divine encounters have no cooldown and generate no action points.
Empowerment stacks are expended on the cast of the next 'normal mode' encounter, and makes it more powerful by consuming 1-3 stacks. Consider an empowered encounter the 'old divine mode encounter'.
Action points are no longer accrued when a persistent Daily ability is in effect, including Hallowed Ground, Divine Armor and Anointed Army.
Most significant changes:
Divinity is now generated only from at wills, but granted and filled at a much faster rate.
Divine powered encounters now no longer replicate the base effect, but instead apply a supplementary bonus, as well as one empowerment stack. Divine encounters have no cooldown and generate no action points.
Empowerment stacks are expended on the cast of the next 'normal mode' encounter, and makes it more powerful by consuming 1-3 stacks. Consider an empowered encounter the 'old divine mode encounter'.
Action points are no longer accrued when a persistent Daily ability is in effect, including Hallowed Ground, Divine Armor and Anointed Army.
Jitbit Macro Codes for HR Farm Foundry
Put split shot in right click.
Tools>Settings>Playback settings>Continuous replay>Replay:99999
Tools>Settings>Playback settings>Continuous replay>Replay:99999
How Do Fey & Hoard Farm
You can farm refine and enchantment stones with this tip.
Now , what we need ?
-Jitbit macro recorder.(http://rsload.net/noload/files/054/rsload.net.JitBit.Macro.Recorder.5.7.7.zip)
" How to use Jitbit ? ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYc6T1tGmlY )
-4+ AeO farmer character. ( My choose is Hunter Ranger)
-Farm foundry
-Dragon hoard or fey blessing enchantment stone.(Dragon hoard for refine stones , Fey blessing for enchantment stones)
Now , what we need ?
-Jitbit macro recorder.(http://rsload.net/noload/files/054/rsload.net.JitBit.Macro.Recorder.5.7.7.zip)
" How to use Jitbit ? ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYc6T1tGmlY )
-4+ AeO farmer character. ( My choose is Hunter Ranger)
-Farm foundry
-Dragon hoard or fey blessing enchantment stone.(Dragon hoard for refine stones , Fey blessing for enchantment stones)
Neverwinter Review Achievement Rewards
Name | Points | Description | Title | Other Rewards | ||||
Astral Sea I | 5 |
Astral Sea II | 15 |
Astral Sea III | 25 |
Celestial | 25 |
Fan Powered I | 5 |
Fan Powered II | 5 |
Fan Powered III | 10 |
Featured I | 15 |
Featured II | 25 |
First Time | 5 |
Foundry Apprentice | 5 |
Foundry Apprentice | Foundry Apprentice Cloak | ||||
Foundry Artifex | 15 |
Foundry Artifex | Book Imp Companion | Foundry Artifex Cloak | |||
Foundry Expert I | 10 |
Foundry Expert II | 25 |
Foundry Graduate | 10 |
Foundry Graduate | Foundry Gradute Cloak | ||||
Foundry Grand Master | 15 |
Foundry Grand Master | Silverback Back(%110 Mount) | ||||
Foundry Journeyman | 10 |
Foundry Journeyman | |||||
Foundry Master | 25 |
Foundry Master | Foundry Master Cloak | ||||
Foundry Master I | 10 |
Foundry Master II | 10 |
Foundry Master III | 15 |
Foundry Master IV | 25 |
Foundry Neophyte | 5 |
Foundry Neophyte | |||||
Foundry Stalwart | 10 |
Foundry Stalwart | |||||
Going the Distance | 5 |
Heavenly | 10 |
Moonstar | ? |
Moonstar | |||||
Moonstar Agent | ? |
Moonstar Agent | Icosahedron Ioun Stone | Moonstar Agent Cloak | |||
Starred | 5 |
Too Big to Fail | 25 |
- Note: Unlike most achievements, Foundry Authoring achievements are considered account wide - thus any and all characters you log into after completing these will gain the achievements and points.
My Review Foundry
This campaign is for any level of player wishing to work Foundry Achievements.
Please Rate 4 or 5 stars as the purpose of this campaign is to give you multiple unique quest reviews to earn rewards listed below.
Master of Flame- a CW's handbook
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 DPS vs Control
1.2 Strength and Weaknesses of Master of Flame vs Spellstorm
2. Ability scores, stats and boons
2.1 Ability scores
2.2 Stats
2.3 Boons
2.4 Gear and Companions
3. Power skill and feats
3.1 Powers- at will, encounters, class features, dailys
3.2 Heroic feats
3.3 Paragon feats
4. Build
4.1 MoF Thaumaturge build
4.2 MoF Oppressor build
4.3 Comparison between thaumaturge and oppressor
4.4 MoF Renegade build (not recommended)
4.5 Playstyle
1. Introduction
In Module 4 you need to consider what you want your CW to be strongest at, there is some give and take in where you want to position yourself according to this continuum.
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